
Click here      to proceed with your registration online!

Registration Fees
(up to December 30th, 2024)
( from December 31st, 2024)
REG Collaborator
Description: Persons working in hospitals/clinics/universities who assist with furthering the research and/or academic work of REG.
250.00 €
350.00 €
Non-REG Collaborator
Description: Persons working in hospitals/clinics/universities who have not had direct involvement with REG.
350.00 € 450.00 €
Trainees/ Nurses/ Students* 100.00 € 125.00 €
REG Supporter Company
Description: Persons working in one of the organizations listed on the REG website as supporters of REG via grants or research projects related to REG.
625.00 €
695.00 €
Non-Supporter Company
Description: Persons working in an organization that is not within the list of supporters shown on REG website.
700.00 €
775.00 €

* A Proof of Status is required for the reduced rate of this registration category (Trainees, Nurses, Students). A Proof of Status is an official letter written and signed (by hand/ no electronic signature) by the head of department – hospital or academic institution – which confirms the status of the applicant. The document must be issued in English on official hospital/university letterhead and must be submitted to the Organising Secretariat before the relevant registration deadline. Once the online pre-registrations for the Summit are closed, participants still wishing to register under this category will need to hand their proof of status at the Registration Desk onsite, in order to benefit from the reduced fee.

N.B.: When letters, certifying status, are sent after the early/ late registration deadline, the next registration fee will be applicable even when the registration is processed online and fully paid.
The Registration Fee includes:
  • Access to all Sessions & Exhibition
  • Summit Documentation
  • Lunches during the official Lunch Breaks
  • Coffee Breaks & Refreshments
  • Certificate of Attendance

Company/Industry Registration
Invoices for registrations at the Summit are subject to 24% VAT charges. In case of any change in tax policy, applicable VAT charges will be readjusted accordingly.

Registration Terms
All Summit Fees are calculated in Euros. Participants from countries where currency restrictions prevent them from sending registration fees in advance are asked to inform the Organising Secretariat to avoid being charged the late registration fee.

Terms of payment for registration fees
All payments should be made in Euros without charges for the beneficiary.
Please note that late registration fees will apply for any payments received after the stated deadlines.
Confirmations of registrations and invoices for the relevant charges will only be sent after receipt of the appropriate fees.

Methods of Payment
All payments are to be made in Euro (EUR). Bank charges are to be settled by the payee. Confirmation of services and payment invoices will be sent after receipt of the appropriate fees by e-mail to the address advised for communication.
  • By credit card
    Online payments by credit card will be processed through the Summit’s online services system. Upon completion of payment, the online system will redirect you to a confirmation of services and respective payments page; you are kindly advised to print or save a copy, as this will be your official confirmation voucher regarding the aforementioned Summit.

  • By bank transfer
    Online bookings by bank transfer can be processed through the Summit’s online services system. After selecting the summit services of your choice, please tick the appropriate box (payment “by bank transfer”) in the payments section. The online system will then redirect you to a confirmation of services page; you are kindly advised to print or save a copy, which will serve as your booking order regarding the aforementioned Summit. After receipt of payment of the appropriate fees, you will receive official confirmation of the services booked for the Summit in the email address advised for communication.
    Important Note: Your bookings will be valid for seven (7) days after completion of the online order. Payment by bank transfer is to be completed within this time frame, for final confirmation of your bookings.

    Bank account details (EUR account):
    Account number: 0026-0237-83-0200937824
    Swift Code: ERBKGRAA
    IBAN Number: GR35 0260 2370 0008 3020 0937 824
    Beneficiary: Erasmus S.A.

    *A copy of the bank transfer receipt is to be sent to the Organising Secretariat by e-mail at, for confirmation of the relevant bank transfer. Please indicate your name as well as the “REG 2025” on your payment details for identification purposes.

Erasmus Conferences & Events S.A. does not store credit card information nor do we share customers’ details with any third parties. All personal data included in the databases to which access is granted will be protected according to the European Directive for the Protection of Personal Data with appropriate software and hardware measurements.

Cancellation Policy
Cancellation of registration should be made in writing to the Organising Secretariat. For every written cancellation received up to and including January 10th, 2023, 50% of the registration fee will be refunded. No refund granted thereafter. All refunds will be made within two months after the end of the Summit. Bank charges will be deducted.

Certificate of Attendance
Registered participants will receive a certificate of attendance.
Certificates will be sent via email to all participants after the Summit.

Badges and Identification
Registration badges will be used during the Summit. For identification purposes and admission to session halls, participants are requested to wear their badges, which will be given to them upon registration, at all times. Admission to the Summit areas will not be allowed without badge identification.

Letter of invitation
Participants that require an official Invitation Letter in order to attend the Summit may address the Organising Secretariat, specifying the necessary details. This service is provided only to assist participants who are required to obtain a visa or permission to attend the Summit. It should not be considered as an official invitation covering fees or any other expenses.
Please note that invitation letters are issued only for those participants who have completed the registration process (paid registration fees). In case your visa application is not approved by the relevant Authorities, Erasmus S.A. will fully refund registration fees minus bank charges.

Please note that pictures and video recordings will be taken by summit staff throughout the REG Summit 2025 (March 20-22, 2025, London, UK).
By registering to the summit, you consent to the Organising Secretariat of summit using photographs and/or video recordings including images of you, both internally and externally to promote the summit. These images could be used in print and digital media formats including print publications, websites, e-marketing, posters banners, advertising, film, social media, teaching and research purposes. Additionally, the Organisers are committed to processing information in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).