Guidelines for Poster Presentations

Presenter guidelines for poster presentations

Poster Sessions Viewing Times
Poster presentations will be held during the coffee breaks, with two designated viewing periods each day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Presenting authors, are encouraged to stay next to your poster during your poster session viewing times to engage with attendees and answer any questions.
Poster number
The number of each poster presentation is given in the Final Programme. Your poster should be fixed on the poster board showing the same number.

Mounting & Removal Schedule
Please adhere to the following schedule for mounting and removing your poster on the day of your Poster Session:
Poster Session Date  Mounting Times Removal Times
Monday, September 23rd 2024 08:00 - 11:00 17:30 - 18:30
Tuesday, September 24th 2024 to Thursday, September 26th, 2024 08:00 - 09:30 18:00 - 19:00
Friday, September 27th, 2024  08:00 - 09:30 16:00 - 17:00 
Important Note: Posters remaining on the boards after the specified removal times will be removed by the conference staff.

Poster Specifications
Size and Orientation: Please ensure your poster is formatted in portrait orientation and does not exceed A0 size (84 cm wide x 119 cm high).
Mounting Supplies: All the necessary materials for mounting your poster will be provided at the facility desk in the presentation hall.
Poster Number: Your assigned location among the poster boards will be indicated by your Poster number which will be specified in the detailed final programme. 

Text and Illustration Layout: All illustrations must be prepared beforehand. Do not use heavy illustration material because it may be difficult to be kept in position on the poster board. Please do not write or draw on the Poster Boards.

Oral summaries of posters
Authors of poster papers who are interested can be prepared to provide ad hoc a summary of their poster presentation (1–2 slides) during the corresponding oral session in case a gap should occur in the time schedule or if the convener has foreseen the presentation of poster summaries during the oral session.


It is strictly prohibited to take photos of any scientific material during oral or poster sessions without the explicit permission from the authors.