Behaviours can be redesigned to make them healthier and more effective. One tool is using the Tiny Habits approach from BJ Fogg USA. Picking one or two easy to do behaviours that you know will help you to improve your health is where to start. You must have a clear goal of what you want to achieve such a fitting into new clothes by a certain upcoming date – to achieve that involves losing weight. Applying lifestyle medicine around healthier eating, you can pick two small behaviours like slowing down eating, taking more vegetables instead of carbohydrates and start practicing these with each meal. The key factor to success is to celebrate every time you do the behaviour such as a “Fist pump or Smile” (whatever you prefer). Practice makes perfect. Do this every day, each meal, keep a journal and add more behaviours as you move forward. Remember the celebration. It is your emotion / how you feel that will turn these behaviours into habits. Those feelings of joy are what sustain all successful health behaviour change.This workshop teaches you how to practice Tiny Habits. As a source of reference, I recommend that you read the book of BJ Fogg « Tiny Habits ».