Elizaveta Kuznetsova (Nikitskaya), MD, PhD

MD, working as cardiologist and general practitioner, with PhD degreein scientific clinicaland laboratory study on the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and herpes virus infection in patients with ischemic heart disease. More than 10 years of experience in clinical practice in Public and Privateclinics in intensive care unit, admissiondepartment and outpatient appointment with cardiology and therapeutic patients.Extensive experience with online consulting (medical and lifestyle areas) using telemedicine technologies. Certifiedin good clinical practice (GCP).

Area of interest. I am interested in primary and especially secondary prevention of different diseases with a focus on cardio-vascular disease. Physical and medical rehabilitation is as important as medical treatment itself, as well as working with patient’s habits for primary and secondary diseaseformation. Faces of recovering people inspire me.
Skills: clinical examination, diagnostic and treatment of patients in intensive care unit and in therapeutic department.
Laboratory skills: differentmethods of DNA and RNA extraction, RT-PCR from blood, plasma and tissue samples,Droplet PCR; linked immunosorbent assayfor CRP and cytokines detection; workingwith BD FACS ARIA II.


The effect of migration on lifestyle interventions

Elizaveta Kuznetsova, MD, PhD, Cardiologist, GP and Physical Rehabilitation Specialist (Serbia)

Migration is one of the most acute problems within the last ten years and due to economic and political changes, situation will be even worser. This reality has already an impact on the mortality due to non-communicable diseases, such as cardiovascular pathologies. Within new European Union members, it will lead to an increasing by 18% cases in 20230 and consequently an important financial burden.
Migration is a lifestyle-associated problem that can be prevented through integration of the new members in the society, with using different lifestyle medicine interventions which respects their own traditions.
The presentation will propose a program which facilitates communication for a better behaviour change.
