// ISIN 2023 Educational Course

Welcome Message

Dear Colleagues,

Building on the undisputed and celebrated legacy of the meetings organised by the International Society of Intraoperative Neurophysiology, it is a great honour and privilege to announce the 13th Annual Event of our Society, the 2023 ISIN EDUCATIONAL COURSE which will be held in the city of Athens, between the 16th and 18th of the upcoming October 2023.

Following the Structure of the Educational Syllabus of our Society, we will be working so as to offer a state of the art series of diverse continuing education courses in the applications of intra and perioperative neurophysiology to the attendees. The event aims to provide participants working in IONM, with a venue in maintaining cutting-edge knowledge and skills in the field, including their implementation. The program activities shall be led by experts and distinguished lecturers from different leading institutions worldwide.

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Part III: IOM of Brain Stem and Peripheral Nerve Surgery

The Course will start in:

Under the Auspices of the


  • Accreditation

    The 2023 ISIN EDUCATIONAL COURSE Athens, Greece, 16/10/2023 - 18/10/2023 organized by International Society of Intraoperative Neurophysiology (ISIN) has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®) for a maximum of 18.5 European CME credits (ECMEC®s).

  • Scientific Programme

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