Poster and Flash presentation guidelines and display instructions

Congratulations on acceptance for a poster and flash presentation at the
38th International conference on geochemistry and health

Please read ALL of the instructions below carefully to ensure that your poster is properly presented and will fit into the space allocated.

Guidelines for preparation

All posters should be presented PORTRAIT (VERTICAL) and A0 in size (dimensions: 841 mm wide by 1189 mm tall).

We strongly advice your visiting serval journal and similar society poster presentation documents; a quick internet search for “academic poster guidance” can be invaluable.
Please remember that most delegates spend an initial 10 seconds to assess if they wish to engage further with your poster.

Long/dense sections of text (e.g. complete paragraphs) are highly discouraged. Make your main points clear.
To attract participation and interaction with delegates we strongly recommend figures with easy-to-read and concise captions will make the most impact, drawing people to your poster.

Make sure you and your institution get full credit for your work include your contact details (e.g. name, email address, Twitter handle).

At the conference

The poster sessions will take place in the Department of Geology and Geoenvironment, in the foyer outside the lecture theatre. There will be formal poster and flash presentation sessions in the program, during which the poster presenters will be given an opportunity to present their work to the audience. We strongly encourage all delegates to interact with the posters however, especially at lunches and evening sessions due to the quality and volume of submissions for oral presentation much excellent work is also presented in these poster sessions.
38th International Conference on Geochemistry and Health aims to make the use of flash presentations and posters a stronger part of each day’s activities and thus we ask you pay close attention to the mounting and dismounting instructions.

Please note you may be expected to install and remove your poster within a single day so please bring storage. We will endeavour to have posters up for longer times, but this cannot be promised.

We only require presenters to stand at your posters to present your research at the official windows that will be indicated on the programme.

Poster mounting and dismounting

Your poster will be located board according to your poster number. This number will be supplied to you in your timetable, via email and from the conference organisers.

There will be a Poster Table in the centre of the poster display area, staffed by a volunteer, who can help if you have questions on the day.

Please note that the organisers will provide material for sticking your poster to the poster board, which will be available from the Poster Desk. You must not use anything else. Please remove all material from the poster board when you dismount your poster.

Flash poster presentation instructions

You are to prepare a single slide (which may be animated to assist you in your presentation) from which you can present the essence or novelty of your poster. The purpose of these presentations is to entice the delegates to visit your poster. Please ensure that this presentation does not run over the 90 seconds allowed.