Conference Themes

Emerging contaminants and human health in land, water and air:

Emerging contaminants, i.e. substances which are not yet regulated but may be of environmental or human health concern, include medicines, personal care products and industrial compounds. These emerging contaminants not only impair soil quality and freshwater sources but could also get into the food chain and affect human and animal health. We welcome contributions advancing the understanding of interaction between emergent contaminants, the geoenvironment and human health.

Innovative data collection methods for studying environmental change:

Technological developments in collection and analysis of geospatial data include the use of geographic information systems (GIS) and imagery analysis, crowdsourcing, and mobile technology. These new methods are applied on their own or in combination with traditional data collection systems such as household surveys, censuses, and administrative data. We are welcoming presentations that showcase novel data collection methods to solve complex environmental challenges and assess environmental change.

Environmental geochemistry in the energy transition era:
Utilisation of critical elements, which are vital for emerging and low-carbon technologies, is often a two-sided question since some of the products and technologies which use such elements, while being developed to reduce environmental impacts require mining and refining that may have environmental consequences. The aim of this theme is to address this dichotomy. We encourage submissions examining all aspects of the life cycling of critical elements with potential toxicity for the terrestrial and marine environments.

Global databases for geochemistry and beyond:

Our era is characterised by a growing rate of data generation. Additionally, current research data management practices require that global databases need to meet principles of findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability (FAIR). Abstracts demonstrating examples of generating standardised data and machine-readable metadata as well as utilization of such databases for answering geochemical and environmental questions are welcome.

Abstracts covering wider areas of research on geochemistry and health are also welcome, especially by Early Career Researchers. SEGH offers awards to ECRs each year during the annual SEGH Conference. These include the awards for the best Oral and Poster presentation with a monetary prize awarded by Spinger.