Welcome Message

Dear colleagues and friends,

with a great pleasure we announce the 2023 Annual Postgraduate Course (12th cycle – 2nd year) of the European Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery (ESPN) which will be held in Oslo, Norway, from May 29th to June 3rd, 2023, in presence.

Norway has a significant meaning for the ESPN as this country hosted one the first cycle of our Course of Pediatric Neurosurgery that is one of the most effective tools of the ESPN educational activity.

This course has generated increasing friendship bonds year after year among European pediatric neurosurgeons and contributed to their education by lectures, videos presentations and practical hands on sessions carried out by an excellent international faculty. Last but not least, the course provided a unique opportunity for scientific debate as well as sharing of personal lifelong experiences.
Brain tumors, craniosynostosis, spine malformations are the main topics of the 2023 course. As usual, all of them will be treated in the typical informal atmosphere in order to favor interactions between the faculty and the trainees. The newcomers will feel to be a part of our special world since the beginning.

The Venue, Sundvolden Hotel, is located by one of Norway’s largest inland fjords - Tyrifjorden and is the ideal setting to enrich our annual gathering offering the possibility to enjoy of a private Art Collection of antiquities, handicraft art and painting. The venue, surrounded by beautiful nature and beautiful summit hikes, is the ideal setting to enrich our annual gathering.

We look forward to welcoming all of you to Oslo in Norway 2023.

Prof Federico Di Rocco
ESPN Training and Education Committee Chair
Dr. Due-Tønnessen Bernt J. - Frič Radek
ESPN 2023 Course Local Chairs