Welcome Letter
It is a matter of great honour for me to share with you the details about WPA’s 2022 Thematic Congress on "New Horizons in psychiatric practice: Creative ideas and innovative interventions" on Mental Health at the Workplace being held in Malta during November 10-12, 2022. This is second WPA Thematic Congress in the series that is taking place during this triennium.I am pleased that Maltese Psychiatric Association, a highly prestigious professional organisation working in different areas of mental health in Malta is supporting this congress. WPA is extending its collaboration to Maltese Psychiatric Association and hope to welcome the association to be a member of WPA.
This Congress is focusing on important topic related to WPA’s sectional collaboration. The topics covered in the congress will be highly relevant to current practice of mental health across the globe. I am pleased that the meeting also plans to cover other important topics of interest covering entire field of mental health with a strong focus on the issues of practice of psychiatry looking at diversity, inclusion and setting priorities for our future work.
The presence of several eminent speakers from all over the globe along with a number of academic and clinical psychiatrists from Malta & the region highlights the importance of this academic activity. I am glad that this conference is also looking at strengthening collaborations among different mental health professionals. This will indeed prove beneficial in improving our future links with these groups.
I wish the organisers and the participants of this conference a big susses and I am sure the delegates attending this meeting will have a happy stay in one of the most beautiful cities of the world.
Welcome to Malta! Welcome to the world of professionals and thanks for joining us and exchanging experiences and presenting the best practices of national and international strategies in the scientific programme of the congress!
I wish the organisers and the participants of this conference a big susses and I am sure the delegates attending this meeting will have a happy stay in Malta!
Dr Afzal Javed
Welcome Address Video