Special Sessions



Theoretical, Computational and Experimental Methods (TCEM); Fluid Mechanics

Short description on the session:
The session is open to contributions on all types of natural and man-made flows that involve buoyancy as a main driving force. This session will cover all environmental and geophysical flow problems within riverine, estuarine and maritime systems, in which density differences are initiated by variations in salinity, temperature and/or suspended particulate loads. Some example areas include (but not exclusive to): gravity or turbidity currents; turbulent buoyant jets and plumes; buoyancy-driven exchange flows; and internal waves. These contributions can be either on fundamental or applied research topics in these or related areas, and can present findings from experimental, analytical, computational and/or field studies.


Claudia ADDUCE, Associate Professor, University Roma Tre, Email: claudia.adduce@uniroma3.it, Phone: +00390657333468

Alan CUTHBERTSON, Senior Lecturer; University of Dundee, Email: a.j.s.cuthbertson@dundee.ac.uk, Phone: +004413826557

Useful information: 
Duration of session:
2 hours
Duration of oral presentation: 15 minutes (12 presentation + 3 discussion)
Total number of presentations: 6 - 8
Length of abstract: 2 pages, following the template of the Congress
Special issue on a journal: Yes, by the Convener; it can be supported by the Organizing Committee