Special Sessions



Theoretical, Computational and Experimental Methods (TCEM); Interdisciplinary and transversal theme 

Short description on the session:
Plastic litter is widely dispersed across the planet and has been found in most natural environments ranging from Mount Everest to the deepest ocean trenches. This is concerning, because an increasing number of studies highlight the ecological impacts of plastics on these environments, urging for interdisciplinary efforts to tackle this problem. Unfortunately, we still know very little about the transport mechanisms of plastics in flowing water bodies - information that is key to fully grasp the magnitude of the plastic problem.

In this session, we welcome contributions dealing with the dynamics and transport of plastics in aquatic environments such as urban networks, freshwater systems, and marine settings. Most welcome are numerical or physical modelling studies about the transport dynamics of plastics, with a focus on methods and modelling techniques. This session is a space to discuss the hydrodynamics of plastics and the tools used for their incipient study and provides an overview of the cutting-edge research on plastic transport and outline future research directions and opportunities.

Arianna VARRANI, Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland, Email: avarrani@igf.edu.pl

Daniel Valero HUERTA, Ph.D., Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany, Email: daniel.valero@kit.edu

Florian POHL, Ph.D., School of Biological and Marine Sciences, University of Plymouth, Plymouth, United Kingdom, Email: florian.pohl@plymouth.ac.uk

Useful information: 
Duration of session:
2 hours
Duration of oral presentation: 15 minutes (12 presentation + 3 discussion)
Total number of presentations: 6 - 8
Length of abstract: 2 pages, following the template of the Congress
Special issue on a journal: Yes, by the Convener; it can be supported by the Organizing Committee