Special Sessions



Rivers, Lakes and Reservoirs (RLR); Ecohydraulics; Climate Change; Ecohydrology; Ecosystem Services; Riparian zones

Short description on the session:
A highly valuable example of Policy proposal for mitigating the effects of climate change on both natural and urban areas, aiming at improving their resilience to natural disasters, is the European Green Deal. It is a set of policy indications issued by the European Commission having the purpose of preparing the European Union (EU) to become climate neutral by 2050. Based on the improvement of biodiversity, building renovation and circular economy, and the main purpose of this set of initiatives is to reach a decrease in the emission of greenhouse gases for 2030 to at least 50% and towards 55% over EU territory in comparison with 1990. The proposal of Green-Blue actions in the context of sustainable water resources management plays a key role in improving the ecological services associated with both natural and manmade vegetated areas. Moreover, improper land cover management represents one of the main responsible for soil erosion and nutrient loss with surface runoff trends. Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all world regions is also recognized as one of the top-flight topics in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to achieve by 2030 stated by United Nation in 2015 (UN, 2015). Specifically, the sixth SDG asserts the primary importance of protecting and restoring water-related ecosystems. Unfortunately, regular monitoring requires large investment due to the temporal and spatial variability in the occurring processes of non-point source pollution. In this framework, physically-based watershed-scale modelling and artificial intelligence approaches have become extremely useful tools to ensure efficient management of our shared natural resources, and the way we dispose of toxic waste and pollutants (SDGs 12). This session aims to stimulate the interest of researchers in examining the emerging ecohydraulic and ecohydrological solutions, challenges, and open windows associated with the effects of current and future climate change scenarios on vegetated water systems.

We invite contributions from natural and urban watersheds, rivers, vegetated reclamation channels, wetlands, and lowlands. Contributions may range from scientific research findings outcoming from the analysis of ecohydrological and ecohydraulic phenomena, under both experimental and modeling viewpoints, river engineering, flume and field-scale hydrodynamics, effects of land cover strategies on agricultural soil losses, and watershed hydrological processes. The contributions of the session are expected to support the proposal of novel methodologies capable of evaluating and improving the efficiency of green-blue solutions at global scale.

Giuseppe Francesco Cesare LAMA, Researcher, Dr., Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering (DICEA), University of Naples Federico II - Napoli (Italy), Email: giuseppefrancescocesare.lama@unina.it, Phone: +39-3332880330

Gianluigi BUSICO, Researcher, Dr., Department of Environmental, Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technologies, Campania University “Luigi Vanvitelli” - Caserta (Italy), Email: gianluigi.busico@unicampania.it, Phone: +39-3458236204

Useful information: 
Duration of session:
2 hours
Duration of oral presentation: 15 minutes (12 presentation + 3 discussion)
Total number of presentations: 6 - 8
Length of abstract: 2 pages, following the template of the Congress
Special issue on a journal: Yes, by the Convener; it can be supported by the Organizing Committee