Scientific Program

Sunday, November 19, 2023
Time Hall A
Exhibition area
18.00-20.00 IFNE Executive Borad Meeting  
20.00-21:30   Welcome Reception with Exhibits

Monday, November 20, 2023
Time Plenary Hall Hall A Hall B

Pioneers in Neuroendoscopy

Chairs: Wan Tew Seow (Singapore), Henry Schroeder (Germany)

Wan Tew Seow (Singapore): Training and Education in Neuroendoscopy

Samer Elbabaa (USA): ETV and ETV/CPC for Management of Hydrocephalus in the Fetal In-Utero Spina Bifida Repair Pediatric Population

Abhaya Kulkarni (Canada): ETV/CPC in infants and update on the North American randomized trial

Sandi Lam (USA): Neuroendoscopic approaches to pediatric epilepsy surgery: corpus callosotomy, hemipherotomy, posterior quadrant disconnection

Henry Schroeder (Germany): Endoscopic resection of colloid cysts

Giuseppe Cinalli (Italy): Endoscopic ultrasonic aspiration of intraventricular tumors in children

Luigi Maria Cavallo (Italy): The endonasal route for craniopharyngiomas with intraventricular extension

Doo-Sik Kong (South Korea): Endoscopic Transorbital Surgery for Posterior fossa involving skull base tumors

Joachim Oertel (Germany): Spine endoscopy: when , what and why?

10.30-11.00 Coffee Break
 Time  Plenary Hall  Hall A  Hall B

Surgery for Skull base tumors

Chairs: Peng Zhao (China), Davide Locatelli (Italy)

Diego Mazzatenta
(Italy): Multimodal strategy for skull base chordomas

Robert Reisch (Switzerland): Transnasal endoscopy: the uniportal transnasal approach for large and giant tumors of the central skull base

Rudiger Gerlach (Germany): Interdisciplinary endoscopic endonasal surgery of sinunsal malignancies

Cristian Gragnaniello (USA): Management of lesions of the cribiform

Gokmen Kahilogullari (Turkey): Operative nuances on endonasal endoscopic approach for pediatric craniopharyngiomas

Stefan Linsler (Germany): Pure endoscopic surgery of trigeminal neuralgia via minicraniotomy – technique and outcome

Neuroendoscopic approach to the ventricles 1

Chairs: Spyros Sgouros (Greece), Ulrich-Wilhelm Thomale (Germany)

Suri Ashish (India): Simulation Training in Neuro-endoscopy - from Mannequins & Cadavers to Virtual Reality & Artificial Intelligence

Piero Andrea Oppido (Italy): Tip and tricks using laser in ventricular neuroendoscopy

Xiaolei Chen (China): Pure ventriculoscopic resection of intraventricular solid lesions: a technical feasibility and safety study

Sawarkar Dattaraj (India): Endoscopic management of Neurocysticercosis

Xiaobiao Zhang (China): Endoscopic surgical approaches for the 3rd ventricle

Patel Nimeshkumar (India): Intraventricular Endoscopic surgery- future prospective

Spine Endoscopy

Chairs: Joachim Oertel (Germany), Dinesh Shree Kumar (Singapore)

Weiping Liu (China): Full endoscopic surgery via unilateral micro-hemilaminectomy approach for spinal intradural extramedullary lesions

Wesley Alaba (Peru): Lumbar Endoscopic Surgery Our Development

Herniation  Singh Chhabra Satnam (India): Endoscopic Surgery for Far Lateral Lumbar Disc

Ashish Tandon (India): Interlaminar discectomy: how i do it.

Mohamad Hossain (Dhaka): Percutaneous endoscopic Lumber Discectomy


Complications in skull base surgery

Chairs: Chandrashekhar Deopujari (India), Salman Sharif (Pakistan)

Teegala Ramesh (India): Endoscopic trans nasal CSF rhinorrhea repair: An institutional experience

Kenichi Oyama (Japan): Tips for hemostasis during the endoscopic endonasal cranial base surgery

Chiyuan Ma (China): A simplified reconstruction strategy for intra-op CSF leak in endoscopic endonasal surgery

Kosaku Amano (Japan): Complication avoidance of endoscopic transsphenoidal surgery

Yan Huiying (China): Management of arterial rupture during endoscopic transnasal surgery and case sharing

Mohamed Samy Elhammady (UAE): Management of vascular injuries in endoscopic endonasal skull base surgery.

ETV & Complex hydrocephalus 

Chairs: Adrian Caceres (USA), Tenoch Herrada-Pineda (Mexico)

Mohamed El Beltagy (Egypt): Complications of ventricular endoscopy

Sharon Low (Singapore): Retrospective analysis of ETV cases from a single institution: correlation with the ETV Success Score 

Flavio Giordano (Italy): ETV and shunt dysfunction

Manas Panigrahi (India): Failure of ETV - causes and Patho genesis

Raju Subodh (India): Management of complex hydrocephalus-Neuroendoscopy and adjuncts

Sanjeev Kumar (India): Extra Axial Endoscopic Third Ventriculostomy (EAETV) 

Pituitary surgery

Chairs: David Locatelli (Italy), Diego Mazzatenta (Italy)

Jae Sung Park (Korea): Application of fusion-fluorescence ICG imaging for neuroendoscopic surgery of pituitary neuroendocrine tumors (PitNETs)

Mohamad Hossain (Dhaka): Endoscopic Pitutary Surgery

Prakash Nair (India): Mobilisation of the medial cavernous sinus wall for functioning pituitary adenomas: Technique and results

Li Chuzhong (China): Endoscopic Transnasal Resection of Pituitary Tumors Invading Suprasellar Area

Yongfei Wang (China): Association of Combined Simultaneous Transsphenoidal and Transcranial Strategy vs Non-combined Strategy With Surgical Outcomes Among Patients With Giant Complex Pituitary Adenoma

Mahmoud Messerer (Switzerland): Large and Giant pituitary neuroendocrine tumors: surgical indications and outcome.

13.00-14.00 Lunch Break - Poster Viewing
13.00-14.00 Luncheon Symposium
 Time   Plenary Hall   Hall A   Hall B

New frontiers in skull base surgery

Chairs: Sebastien Froelich (France), Luigi Maria Cavallo (Italy)

Sebastien Froelich
(France): Surgical strategy for skull base and CVJ chordomas

Alvaro Cordoba (Uruguay): Endoscopic endonasal clipping of carotid aneurysms in the sphenoid sinus

Takeo Goto (Japan): Endoscopic key hole approaches to skull base tumors

Songbai Gui (China): The predictive value of intraoperative visual evoked potential for visual outcome after extended endoscopic endonasal surgery for adult craniopharyngioma

Chandrashekhar Deopujari (India): 15 years of experience of endoscopic surgery of craniopharyngiomaf.

Yazhuo Zhang (China): Endoscopic endonasal approach for the treatment of cavernous sinus tumors

Salman Sharif (Pakistan): Giant Pituitary macroadenoma

Giuseppe Minniti (Italy): Combined surgery and radiosurgery for complex skull base tumors

16.00-16.30 Coffee Break
 Time    Plenary Hall    Hall A    Hall B

Skull Base

Chairs: Ruediger Gerlach (Germany), Ramez Kirollos (Singapore)

Zhengcun Yan
(China): Anatomical study and clinical application of neuroendoscopic subtemporal keyhole approach

Hengzhu Zhang (China): Anatomical study and clinical application of neuroendoscopic transfarlateral supracerebellar infratentorial keyhole approach

Zhiquan Jiang (China): Fully Endoscope-Controlled Clipping Anterior Circulation  Aneurysm Via  Keyhole Approach

Krisna Tsaniadi Prihastomo (Indonesia): Extending Cerebello-Pontine Angle Microsurgery Approach View Using Angled Endoscope: Going Further Without Open Wider

Mariam Al-Mutawa (Kuwait): Etiology and management of recurrent hemifacial spasm – A single-center experience 

Krishna Tej Reddy Kancherla (India): Translating four hander endoscope assisted technique from endo nasal to the pineal region

Donny Wisnu Wardhana (Indonesia): Endoscopic Endonasal Transpterygoid Approach for Resection of Carotid Sympathetic Plexus Schwannomas: A Cadaveric Stepwise Dissection, Technical Nuances and Surgical Outcomes 

Sanjeev Kumar (India): Endoscopic Clipping of anterior communicating artery aneurysms 

Klaus A. Leber (Austria): Endoscope-assisted, minimal invasive microsurgery of intracranial aneurysms

Bing Sun (China): Fully Endoscopic Microvascular Decompression Surgery

Rajeev Sreenath (India): Endoscopic Trans-pterygoid approach for Skullbase lesions- An Institutional experience  


Chairs: Bassel Zebian (UK) , Alvaro Cordoba (Uruguay)

Krishna Shroff (India): Endoscopic Biopsy of Lateral and Third ventricular tumours: experience of a single neurosurgical unit

Hua Yang (China):  Application of Navigation-guided Microscope-endoscope Fusion of Venous Sulcus Keyhole Approach in Intracranial Cavernous Hemangioma

Esteban H Vega-torres (Mexico): Technical Note: Use of ARTEMIS™ Devices to Improve high viscose colloid cyst content evacuation

Tamilanandh Mavuretty Periyasamy (India): Complication Avoidance in Endoscopic Management of Colloi cyst

Eyup Bayatli (Turkey): Neuroendoscopic Approach for Pineal Region Lesions: Single-Centre Experience

Qing Wang (China): Paramedian Supracerebellar Infratentorial Approaches to Pineal or Supracerebellar Region Diseases

Filippo Andrea Sinosi (Italy): Flexible Endoscope-assisted Evacuation of a Subacute Subdural Hematoma in an Elderly Patient via a Single Burr Hole

Clarissa Ann Elisabeth Gelmi (Italy): Full endoscopic evacuation of Chronic Subdural Hematomas – A single center case series and a Literature Review

Zhi Chao Gan (China): Smartphone navigated endoscopic port surgery of hypertensive basal ganglia hemorrhage

Clarissa Ann Elisabeth Gelmi (Italy): Minimally Invasive Full endoscopic 3D-dynamic four-hands surgical technique (MInDFul) to approach intracranial lesions – A monocentric case-series

Xinghua Xu (China): Comparison of Endoscopic Surgery with Craniotomy And Stereotactic Aspiration for Treatment of Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage: A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial  

Journey in Neuroendoscopy

Chairs: Joachim Oertel (Germany) , ) Zhao Peng (China)

Yasushi Shin (China): Endoscopic neurosurgery in the Hybrid operation room – Design, Workflow, and Clinical Application

Petra Octavian Perdana Wahjoepramono (Indonesia): Learning Curve of Endoscopic spine surgery : Personal Experience

Rina Agushi (Italy): Endoscopic Fenestration of a giant posterior fossa arachnoid cyst

Naiyuan Shao (China): Pure neuroendoscopic surgery of trigonal meningiomas via contralateral posterior interhemispheric transfalcine transprecuneus approach

Sunil Kumar Singh (India): Role of Endoscopy in the management of CSDH

Roland Sidabutar (Indonesia): Endoscopy for Sellae Region Lesions Personal Experience review in sinlge institutions

Xiao-Jie Lu (China): Endoscopic transcranial transdiaphragmatic approach in a single-stage surgery for giant pituitary adenomas

Bimal Kumar Sahoo (India): Neuronavigation guided Endoscopic Spontaneous Intracerebral Hematoma Removal- Tips, Tricks and Pitfalls

Anil Kumar (India): Extended endonasal endoscopic approach for anterior midline skull base lesions

Rene Regatschnig (Austria): A comparison between the new evolving Exoscope and Neuroendoscopy, will Exoscopes replace Endoscopy in Neurosurgery?

Tuesday, November 21, 2023
Time Plenary Hall Hall A Hall B
 07.15-08.15   Morning Seminar Morning Seminar
Controversies in meningioma surgery

Chair: Henry W. S. Schroeder (Germany

Retnathankom Ayyadurai (India): Endo nasal endoscope assisted approaches for the petroclival meningiomas

Sabino Luzzi (Italy): Ventral Foramen Magnum Meningiomas: Anterior vs. Posterior Transcondylar Approaches

Luigi Maria Cavallo (Italy): Endonasal route for skull base meningiomas

Henry W. S. Schroeder (Germany): Transcranial vs Endonasal approaches for skull base meningiomas
Management of pineal and third ventricular  tumors in pediatric patients

Chair: Samer Elbabaa (USA)

Quan Zhou (China): Purely Endoscopic paramedian supracerebellar infratentorial approach to pineal region tumor

William C. Gump (USA): Diagnostic yield of endoscopic biopsy plus CSF markers in pediatric pineal region tumors

Samer Elbabaa (USA): Endoscope-controlled and Endoscope-assisted Supra-cerebellar Infra-tentorial Approaches to The Pineal Region in Children
Mohamed Rady (India): Endoscopic management of pineal and third ventricular tumors in children

Advancements in Neuroendoscopy

Chairs: Alvaro Cordoba (Uruguay), Kenichi Nishiyama (Japan)

Stefan Wolfsberger
(Austria): Technological Advances for Complication Avoidance in Neuroendoscopy

Bassel Zebian (UK): Neuro-endoscopy in the management of ventricular and paraventricular lesions

Waleed Azab (Kuwait): Keyhole transcranial surgery under full endoscopic control

Ulrich-Wilhelm Thomale (Germany): Ultrasonic aspiration technique for tumors and epilepsy in children

Wei Hua (China): Neurosurgical Application of Pineal Region Tumor Resection with 3D 4K Exoscopy via Infratentorial Approach

Jay Riva-Cambrin (Canada): Comparing healthcare utilization between ETV+CPC and shunts for the treatment of infant hydrocephalus, an HCRN study
Kenichi Nishiyama (Japan): Endoscopic Management for complications related to CSF shunt

Spyros Sgouros (Greece): Technology in neurondoscopy: thinking of the past, contemplating the future
10.30-11.00 Coffee Break
 Time Plenary Hall   Hall A
Hall B

Innovative skull base approaches

Chairs: Yazhuo Zhang (China), Shankla Suresh (India)

Juan Barges Coll (Mexico): Endonasal endoscopic odontoidectomy  surgical technique and case series

Paulo Porto de Melo (Brazil): Endonasal surgery for orbital tumors

Suresh Sankhla (India): Endonasal endoscopic odontoidectomy : Technical nuances and outcome

Dhandapani S S (India): Arachnoid planes, pathology & handling giant suprasellar tumors in endonasal endoscopy

Mohamed Samy Elhammady (UAE): Endoscopic endonasal decompression of craniocervical junction pathologies

Harminder Singh (UK): Endoscopic endonasal odontoid resection - Is it superior to the transoral or trans-facial approaches?

Complications in Neuroendoscopic surgery

Chairs: Kazuhito Takeuchi (Japan), Samuel Tau Zymberg (Brazil)

Tenoch Herrada-Pineda
(Mexico): Complications of Endoscopic third Ventriculostomy, and Endoscopic management of intraventricular infections

Mirna Sobana (Indonesia): Endoscopic surgery for Intraventricular Infections

Adrian Caceres (USA): Neuroendoscopic management of pioventriculitis

Jonathan Roth (Israel): The prepontine block and the importance in neuroendoscopy

David Mato (Spain):  The Entraped IV Ventricle Endoscopi Management and Historic Review

Ramez Kirollos (UK): Intra-ventricular endoscopic procedures at the Foramen of Monro: the relevance of normal anatomic-radiological studies

Endoscopic craniosynosostosis treatment

Chairs: Alber Sufianov (Russia), Mohamed El Beltagy (Egypt)

Hans Delye
(Netherlands): Endoscopic craniosynostosis

Germán Ballesteros C (Mexico): Experience in mono and multisutural craniosynostosis with endoscopic technique

Mohamed Al-Olama (UAE): Endoscopic craniosynostosis repair, our experience

Rolando Jimenez-Guerra (Mexico): Endoscopic suturectomy for craniosyostosis in neonates

Alber Sufianov (Russia): Exo-endoscopic surgical treatment of craniosynostosis in children


Endoscopic orbital & multiportal approaches

Chairs: Doo-Sik Kong (South Korea), Calvin Mak (Hong Kong)

Davide Locatelli
(Italy): "Endoscopic endonasal and transorbital approaches to the orbit and more.."

Alberto Di Somma (Spain): Endoscopic transorbital approach to the skull base: concepts and preliminary experience

Calvin Mak (Hong Kong): Endoscopic transorbital surgery to the skull base and beyond

Ju Hyung Moon (South Korea): Endoscopic Transorbital Surgery for Anterior Clinoidal Meningiomas

Chiman Jeon (Korea): Endoscopic transorbital approach to the Meckel's cave

Paulo Porto de Melo (Brazil): Endonasal surgery for orbital tumors

Intracranial cysts

Chairs: Ulrich Thomale (Germany), Jay Riva-Cambrin (Canada)

William C. Gump (USA): Endoscopic management of intraventricular arachnoid cysts

Pietro Spennato (Italy): Endoscopic treatment of arachnoid and intraventricular cyst in children: Retrospective analysis of 84 cases

Samuel Tau Zymberg (Brazil): Third ventricle colloid cysts: An endoscopic case series emphasizing technical variations

Graciela Zuccaro (Argentina): Endoscopic treatment of intraventricular and periventricular cysts

Samuel Tau Zymberg (Brazil): Suprasellar arachnoid cyst: is mickey mouse alone?

François Lechanoine (France): Brain endoscopy: neuroendoscopic treatment of intracranial arachnoid cysts

Endoscopic management of Cerebral & Ventricular Hemorrage

Chairs: Hisayuki Murai (Japan), Piero Andrea Oppido (Italy)

Alberto Feletti
(Italy): Flexible endoscopic aspiration of intraventricular hemorrhage

Jason Chow (Hong Kong): Single burr hole, endoscope controlled clot evacuation for hypertensive capsular haematoma

Clemens Schirmer (USA): Update on the MIND trial (endoscopic evacuation of ICH)

Ahmed Maamoun Ashour (Egypt): Evaluation of endoscopic lavage for adult intraventricular hemorrhage outcome

Hisayuki Murai (Japan): Endoscopic treatment for intraparenchymal hemorrhage

Pathak Ashis (India): Title to Be Advised 

13.00-14.00 Lunch Break - Poster Viewing
13.00-14.00 Luncheon Symposium
 Time Plenary Hall
 Hall A
Hall B

Joint meeting with Singapore endoscopic spine society

Erwin Cornips (Belgium): Thoracic Disc Herniations: An Underestimated Disease in Search for a Surgical Care

Anm Mu Liang (Singapore): Evidence for Cervical Endoscopy and Cervical Biportal Endoscopy

Ang Chay You (Singapore): Uniportal Cervical Endoscopy

Thomas Tan (Singapore): Revision Lumbar Evidence

Ira Sun (Singapore): Tubular – Uniportal – Unilateral Bioportal Endoscopy: Evidence and Personal Experience

Dennis Hey (Singapore): Uniportal vs Biportal Lumbar Endoscopic Spine Surgery – Which One to Choose

Huang Yilun (Singapore): Revision Lumbar Biportal

Gamaliel Tan (Singapore): Evidence for Endoscopic Fusion

Jiang Lei (Singapore): Uniportal Endolif 

Wu Pang Hung (Singapore): Biportal Endolif

Reuben Soh (Singapore): Case Discussion


Approaches to paramedian and lateral Skull base

Chairs: Waleed Azab (Kuwait), Yong-Hwy Kim (Korea)

Chiyuan Ma (China): Endoscopic Endonasal vs Microscopic Transcranial Surgery for the Cavernous Sinus Hemangioma

Shrivastava Adesh (India):  Challenges with the posterior fossa tumor surgery and Endoscope to the rescue

A. Samy Youssef  (USA): Combined endoscopic endonasal and open approaches to the lateral skull base

Sinha Sumit (India): Keyhole endoscopic assisted surgery for skull base tumors

Suresh Nair (India): Transpterygoid approach to Meckel's cave schwannomas

Tao Hong (China): Endoscopic endonasal supraoptic and infraoptic approaches for complex "parasuprasellar" lesions: surgical anatomy, technique nuances, and case serie

Masahiro Shin (Japan): Endoscopic lateral extended transsphenoidal approach aiming for radical resection of skull base tumors in cavernous sinus

Wei Shi (China): Full-Endoscopy Surgery Applied in MVD for  Hemifacial Spasm and Trigeminal Neuralgia

Chiman Jeon (Korea): Fully endoscopic supraorbital approach to the parasellar region

Neuroendoscopic approach to the ventricles 2

Chairs: Artur Henrique Galvao Bruno Da Cunha (Brazil), Abhaya Kulkarni (Canada)

Waleed Azab (Kuwait): Endoscope-controlled surgery for intraventricular lesions

Jaiswal Awadhesh (India): Endoscopic keyhole surgery for lateral ventricular tumors

Ascencio Monserrat Almaguer (Mexico): Neuroendoscopic lavage in ventriculitis

Carlos Brusius (Brazil): 3D Anatomy Of The Human Brain Ventricular System, Using AI Technology

Luiz Antonio Dias Jr (Brazil): Intraventricular endoscopy

Onur Ozgural (Turkey): Approaches to the posterior 3th ventricule wall tumors via neuroendoscopy

Ahmed Zhody (Egypt): Mainstreamization of Endoscopic Procedures into Neurosurgical Practice

Krishna Kumar Bansal (India): Neuro-endoscopic excision of NCC

Flavio Giordano (Italy): Neuroendoscopic treatment of Multicystic Hydrocephalus

15.30-16.00 Honored guest lecture: My Personal Journey and Evolution over a Quarter Century:  owed to my Patients and my Mentors
Amin Kassam (USA)
16.00-16.30 Coffee Break
16.30-17.15   Awards Ceremony

Paolo Cappabiance (Italy): Endoscopic endonasal surgery in Naples: a 25-year journey
Introduction: Luigi Maria Cavallo (Italy)

Oka Kazunari (Japan): Journey of Flexible Neuroendoscopy -Implement of Flexible Neuroendoscope and Artificial CSF
Introduction: Kenici Nishiyama (Japan)

Henry Schroeder (Germany): Tribute Michael Gaab

 17:15-17:20   Stephan Wolfsberger (Austria): Presentation of the Next IFNE Congress in Graz  
17.20-18.30   Presidential Address & General Assembly
Wednesday, November 22, 2023
Time Plenary Hall Hall A Hall B
07.15-08.15    Morning Seminar Morning Seminar

Multiportal skullbase anatomy  

Chair: Doo-Sik Kong (South Korea)

Alberto Di Somma (Spain): Multiportal endoscopic routes to the skull base: ideas, anatomy and applications

Doo-Sik Kong (South Korea): Endoscopic Transorbital Surgery for mesial temporal tumors

Jun Muto (Japan): Transoral Robotic Neurosurgery for Skull Base Surgery: Surgical description of a cadaveric study

Kam Tong Leo Yeung (China): New era of safe and effective endoscopic transsphenoidal surgery: clinical experience of intraoperative mapping of internal carotid artery and sphenopalatine artery using indocyanine green, doppler ultrasound and neuronavigation

Endoport guided endoscopic surgery

Chair: Kazuhito Takeuchi (Japan)

Peng Zhao
(China): Principles of neuroendoport technique

Xiaolei Chen (China): A novel 3D-vision-based collaborative robot as a scope holding system for port surgery: a technical feasibility study

Henry Schroeder (Germany): Navigation-guided port surgery for brain tumors

Sebastian Jaimovich (Argentina): Minimally invasive Transtubular approach for deep seated tumors


Endoscopy for  brain tumors

Chairs: Giuseppe Cinalli (Italy), Samer Elbabaa (USA)

Kazuhito Takeuchi
(Japan): Endoscopic cylinder surgery for deep-seated lesions 

Roberto Jaimovich (Argentina): Validity of endoscopic transventricular approaches in pediatric craniopharyngioma

Llewellyn Padayachy (South Africa): Combined use of Exoscope and Endoscope assistance for Intraventricular Tumor Surgery - Benefits and Feasibility

Peng Zhao (China): Intraventricular tumor surgery and strategy analysis by Neuro-Endoport technique

Shankla Suresh (India): Endoport-guided endoscopic resection for deep-seated brain tumors : Our experience

Yong-Hwy Kim (Korea): Endoscopic trans-tuber cinereum approach for pineal tumors

Mohamed El Beltagy (Egypt): Endoscopic management of intraventricular tumors in children

Veit Rohde (Germany): Endoscope-assisted fluoroscopic resection of gliomas and metastases: Reaching the next level of radicality

10.30-11.00 Coffee Break
Plenary Hall
Hall A
Hall B

Sella surgery

Chairs: Stefan Wolfsberger (Austria), Mahmoud Messerer (Switzerland)

Rudiger Gerlach (Germany): Endoscopic 2D vs 3D for large pituitary adenomas

Karuppanan Bagathisingh (India): Application of ICG in Pituitary Area Tumor

Qun Wu (China): Endoscopic endonasal transsphenoidal surgery for acromegaly

Kun Yang (China): Significance of surgical methods for pseudocapsule of pituitary adenomas with different characteristics in treatment of functional adenomas

Anhua Wu (China): Application of a trans-nasal multilayer mucosa flap-free (MMF) technique when reconstructing the skull base due to high-flow leakage of cerebrospinal fluid
Iype Cherian (Nepal): A robotic endoscopic holder

Brain Neuroendoscopy

Chairs: Giuseppe Cinalli (Italy), Alvaro Gordoba (Uruguay)

Ali Ayyad (Germany): Endoscope assisted microsurgical resection of pineal region tumors

Akira Gomi (Japan): Expanded application and limitation of flexible neuroendoscopy in pediatric neurosurgery
Pathak Ashis (India): Endoscopic Parenchimal brain tumor excision: benefit and controversies

Artur Henrique Galvao Bruno Da Cunha
(Brazil): Etv and shunt malfunctioning

Kazuaki Shimoji
(Japan): Two-decade  follow-up of patients with hydrocephalus who underwent endoscopic third ventriculostomy

Spine Endoscopy

Chairs: Joachim Oertel (Germany), Dinesh Shree Kumar (Singapore)

Ling Ji Min (Singapore):  Learning Curve in Spinal Endoscopic Surgery

Christian Woiciechowsky (Germany): Endoscopic Spine Surgery: Past, Present and Future

François Lechanoine (France): Spine endoscopy: Unilateral Biportal Endoscopy (UBE) for treating lumbar, dorsal and cervical pathologies: discal herniation, central canal stenosis, foraminal stenosis, lumbar fusion etc., as a global revolution on minimally invasive spine surgery

Christian Woiciechowsky (Germany): Endoscopic strategy on the cervical spine

Dhandapani S S (India): Endoscopic excision tactics of large spinal intradural tumors

 Time  Plenary Hall
 Hall A
Hall B
12.00-13.30 Skull Base

Chairs: A. Samy Youssef  (USA), Songbai Gui (China)

Rajeev Sreenath (India): Analysis of intraoperative and radiological variation of Cavernous Sinus Invasion (CSI) in Pituitary Adenomas (PA) – A Prospective-Retrospective Study

Shilei Ni (China): Multiple pituitary lesions: classification and treatment

Takuichiro Hide (Japan): Visualization of pituitary body with 4K ICG endoscope contributes preservation of pituitary function

Ming Shen (China): Contralateral transmaxillary corridor used in endoscopic endonasal approach for resecting adenoma invading the retro-carotid area of the cavernous sinus and beyond: surgical anatomy, patient-section algorithm, and illustrative cases

Pawan Goyal (India): Endoscopic Endonasal Transsphenoidal Approach for pituitary adenomas : Technical Nuances, complications and learning curve

Ryota Shigeeda (Japan): Visualization of internal carotid artery using the 4K ICG endoscope during the endoscopic endonasal transsphenoidal surgery

Selfy Oswari (Indonesia): Endoscopic Endonasal Transsphenoidal Pituitary Surgery in Indonesia National Brain Center

Vikas Singh (India): Clinical Profile And Outcomes Of Giant Pituitary Adenomas Following Endoscopic Endonasal Transsphenoidal Surgeries Performed At Tertiary Neuro- Oncological Centre - A Retrospective Analysis

Rushabh Chheda (India): Solitary clival lesion: universe beyond chordomas: territory less travelled:- An extensive clinical outlook on rare pathologies

Selfy Oswari (Indonesia): Clival Aspergilosis

Rajeev Sreenath (India): CSF Rhinorrhea in Dopamine agonist (DA) treated Macroprolactinomas- An Institutional Experience

Cathal John Hannan (UK): Multi‑layered repair of high‑flow CSF fistulae following endoscopic skull base surgery without the use of lumbar drains

Selfy Oswari (Indonesia): Delayed Epistaxis Post Endoscopic Endonasal Transsphenoidal Surgery

Xin Zhang (China): Endoscopic endonasal interconal approach for orbital tumor resection: a cohort of 7 cases

Hydrocephalus and Pediatrics

Chairs: Llewellyn Padayachy (South Africa), Samer Elbabaa (USA)

Tomoru Miwa
(Japan): Diversity of flexible scope surgery and ingenuity of techniques that take advantage of its characteristics

Shighakolli Ramesh (India): Role of flexible neuro endoscopy in management of hydrocephalus our experience in tertiary centre in south India

Sara Bruscella (Italy): Endoscopi Third Ventriculostomy in Shunt Malfuction in adult patients analysis of clinical series and literature review

Flavio Giordano (Italy): Efficacy of Endoscopic Third Ventriculostomy in the management of shunt failure and predictive factors

Flavio Giordano (Italy): The role of neuroendoscopy in simplifying complex hydrocephalus 

Tomaz Velnar (Slovenia): Prognostic factors for successful endoscopic third ventriculostomy in paediatric neuroendoscopy

Francesca Vitulli (Italy): Hydrocephalus in neurofibromatosis type 1 – case series and systematic review of literature

Chao Zhang (China): Experience of endoscopic endonasal surgery for skull base tumors in children at early age

Francesca Vitulli (Italy): Craniopharyngiomas: the role of transcortical transventricular monoportal endoscopic neurosurgery

Rina Agushi (Italy): Endoscope - assisted biopsy for diffuse pontine glioma in children a case series

Tomaz Velnar (Slovenia): Endoscopic and open treatment of scaphocephly: a comparison and outcome

Jason Labuschagne (South Africa): Long term outcomes of flexible endoscope assisted suture release (FEASR) for the correction  of sagittal synostosis

Qun Wang (China): Endoscopic Intraventricular Stent Implantation for Trapped Temporal Horn and Periventricular Cystic Lesions

Xinhua Xu (China): Pure ventriculoscopic resection of small intraventricular solid lesions through a single burr-hole: technical note

Shengkun Lang (China): Purely ventriculoscopic resection of an intraventricular meningioma with a basket extractor through a single burr hole: technical case report and literature review


Chairs: Joachim Oertel (Germany), Dinesh Shree Kumar (Singapore) 

Francesco Tengattini 
(Italy): Endoscope-assisted microsurgical resection of epidermoid cyst of the conus medullaris: report of two cases

Clarissa Ann Elisabeth Gelmi (Italy): The Learning Curve of Unilateral Biportal Endoscopic (UBE) Spinal Surgery – A single surgeon analysis

Filippo Andrea Sinosi (Italy): Flexible Endoscopy for the Treatment of Spinal Intratechal Disorders: Our Experience and Comprehensive Literature Review
Clarissa Ann Elisabeth Gelmi (Italy): Complications occurred during Unilateral Biportal Endoscopic (UBE) Spinal Surgery – A single surgeon case series

Siavash Hasimoglu (Turkey): Endoscopy Assisted Posterior Transaxis Odontoidectomy: An Extended Perspective for a Novel Approach

S N Madhariya (India): Foraminoscopic removal of prolapsed intervertebral discs

Video Session

Mariam Al Mutawa (Kuwait): Endoscopic endonasal approach in pediatric patients

 Hirotaka Hasegawa (Japan): Effective fusion of endoscopic transnasal surgery and microsurgical dissection: Key steps to preserve critical perforators and neural structures

Yonggang Wu (China): Endoscopic Transsphenoidal Surgery for Sellar Region Lesions

Clarissa Ann Elisabeth Gelm (Italy): Full endoscopic inferior parietal lobule approach for an endoventricular removal of a left trigone Meningioma Grade I (gelmi) Ventriculoscopy training in embalmed cadavers

Karuna Kabadi (India): Ventriculoscopy training in embalmed cadavers

Rajeev Sreenath (India): Extended Endoscopic Approach (EEA) for a Pediatric Petroclival Chondrosarcoma- A Technical Video

Nidan Qiao (China): 3-Dimentional Exoscope Transcranial Resection of a Giant Invasive Craniopharygioma

Rajeev Sreenath (India): Endoscopic trans-nasal approach for Tuberculum sella meningioma with Bilateral Optic canal invasion- A Technical Video

13.30-14.30 Closing remarks