Abstract Submission


Abstract proposals can be submitted in one of the following Technical Sessions:

Technical Sessions
  1. Advances in rheometrical and rheophysical methods
  2. Microfluidics, nanofluidics, thin films and confined flows
  3. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics
  4. Polymeric materials (melts, solutions, copolymers, blends, composites)
  5. Supramolecular and self-assembling systems, associating polymers, polyelectrolytes, synthetic and biological networks
  6. Suspensions, frictional and granular systems
  7. Arrested matter : gels, glasses and jammed systems
  8. Interfacial rheology, bubbles and foams, droplets and emulsions
  9. Biorheology and rheology in the biomedical field
  10. Rheology of living and active systems
  11. Rheology and design of Foods, pharmaceutical formulations and consumer products
  12. Additive Manufacturing, Composites and Polymer Processing
  13. Rheology and sustainability (constructions, recycling, cellulose, biodegradable)
  14. Machine learning and AI in rheology
  15. Rheology for soft robotics and use of field-responsive materials

Abstract Timeline

For Oral Presentations  
  • Submission Deadline: January 10, 2023 EXPIRED
  • Notification of Acceptance: February 15, 2023 EXPIRED
  • Presenting Authors’ registration deadline: April 14, 2023 EXPIRED
For Poster Presentations  
  • Submission Deadline: March 17, 2023 EXPIRED
  • Notification of Acceptance: March 31, 2023 EXPIRED
  • Presenting Authors’ registration deadline: April 14, 2023 EXPIRED
Submission procedure & guidelines
  • The first step to follow before submitting an abstract online is to login, by creating your own username and password required by the system. The same login details are to be used for all congress online forms (Abstract Submission, Registration & Accommodation Form).
  • Abstracts can only be submitted electronically through the online abstract submission platform available at the top of this webpage and should be submitted within the above deadlines. Abstracts sent by fax or e-mail will not be accepted for evaluation.
  • Abstracts must be written in English.
  • Abstracts should be formatted using one of the two templates below. Further instructions can be found below as well as in the template files. When submitting an abstract, please upload only the final pdf-file.

    Latex template MS-Word template

    The format and typesetting of the abstract: 
    •  The total length of the abstract should not exceed one page including all figures/tables, which are optional.  Please note that abstracts longer than one page will not be returned to the authors. The total number of words will be 250-500 depending on the number and size of the figures.
    •  Paper size A4 with text width 180 mm and height 267 mm.
    •  The tab length is 5 mm and shall be used to indent each new paragraph.
    •  Font to be used is “Times New Roman” with justified side alignments. Font sizes are 14pt for title, 12pt for authors, 11pt for text, 9pt for footnotes, 10pt for author affiliations and figure captions.
    •  No page numbering is used.
    •  The title should be centred, in bold and the presenting author should be underlined.
    •  Author affiliation is given using superscript with the number format “1, 2…” and font size 10pt. Only the given name initials and the surnames of the authors should be used.
    •  References are made with footnotes using the al format “1, 2…”. The title of the reference should not be given, however, please include the journal name in italics, volume in bold and the first page number followed by the year in parenthesis (Please refer to the ABSTRACT TEMPLATE above).
    •  Make sure the labels and all other text in the figures themselves have a legible font size, i.e. not smaller then 10pt. Check this by comparing the figure text with the text in the abstract which is 11pt. Try to use a common format in the figure file (Please refer to the ABSTRACT TEMPLATE above).
  • The presenting author is indicated by clicking on the appropriate box next to the respective name.
  • Important Note for Oral Presentations: We anticipate only one ORAL presentation per presenter
  • During the abstract online submission, the author will be requested to choose the Session of preference, as well as preferred Type of presentation (Oral or Poster). Please note that the Technical Committee reserves the right to request the change of any abstract’s presentation type and/or Session, according to the Program’s specifications and needs.
  • It is the author's responsibility to submit a complete abstract in finalized format. Any errors in spelling, grammar or scientific facts will be reproduced as typed by the author.
  • Pre-registration of the abstract’s presenting author until April 14th, 2023 is a prerequisite for its inclusion in the Program and its publication in the Congress electronic material.
  • The punctual submission of abstracts is also a prerequisite for their acceptance. Any submitted abstract that does not meet the above requirements will not be accepted.
  • Acknowledgement of receipt of your submission will be sent to your stated email address. If you do not receive the confirmation email within 24 hours, please contact us at info@icr2023.com.
  • After your abstract submission, it is not allowed to make any change on your abstract or to withdraw your abstract through the online submission portal. In this case, you have to contact the ICR 2023 Organizing Secretariat at info@icr2023.com, by May 15th, 2023.
  • Authors may access their abstracts and make changes, if necessary, until the submission deadline.

Notification of Acceptance
  • All received abstracts will be evaluated by members of the Technical Committee.
  • Notification of acceptance or rejection of abstracts will be sent to the corresponding authors of each abstract by February 10th, 2023 for the Oral Presentations and by March 31st, 2023 for the Poster Presentations.
  • Each abstract’s corresponding author will be notified of the evaluation procedure’s results. The corresponding author receives all information concerning the abstract and is responsible for informing all other co-authors of the status of the abstract.
  • Presenting authors' registration deadline: April 14th, 2023. Please note that the Online registration portal will open on February 10th, 2023.
  • All abstract presenters will be asked to reconfirm their attendance after receiving the notification. If you do not re-confirm your abstract presentation, register and pay the registration fee before the given deadline, your abstract(s) will be retracted from the Program.
  • Accepted abstracts will be considered for oral or poster presentation. Please note that the Technical Committee reserves the right to request the change of your abstract’s presentation type and/or session, according to the Program's specifications and needs.

For further information regarding abstract submission and presentation, please contact the Congress Organizing Secretariat at info@icr2023.com