
The online registration is now open!

CLICK HERE to register

Registration Fees

 Registration Category Fee
Mental health professionals/physicians
Euro 200
Young Psychiatrists & Members of the Early Career Psychiatrists group Euro 100
Poster Presenters (regardless of the registration category) Euro 75
Post graduate students (Masters, PhD) & Trainees Euro 75
Under graduate students (Medical, Psychology, Sociology, Social Sciences) Euro 30
The online registration application must be accompanied by written proof of status (date no older than 6 months from registration date);
A Proof of Status is an official letter written and signed (by hand/no electronic signature) by the head of department – hospital or academic institution – which confirms the status of the applicant. The document must be issued in English on official hospital/university letterhead and must be submitted to the Registration Department upon online registration.

Registration fees include:

  • Attendance to all virtual scientific sessions
  • Certificate of attendance

Congress Attendance

Details about the virtual platform and access codes will be sent to all registered participants by e-mail a few days prior to the virtual congress.

Registration Terms

Full payment of your registarion is required in order to confirm your participation to the congress.


All Congress Fees are calculated in Euros.

Methods of payment

All payments are to be made in Euro (EUR). Bank charges are to be settled by the payee.
Registration payment can be made online by credit card, following the process through  the Congress’s online services system.
Upon completion of payment, the online system will redirect you to a confirmation of services and the respective payments page. Once you have completed this process, you will receive a confirmation email with information about the services booked and your payment status.

Cancellation policy

Cancellation of registration should be in writing to the Congress Organizing Secretariat. Registration fees are non-refundable.


Erasmus Conferences and Events S.A. does not store credit card information nor do we share customers’ details with any third parties. All personal data included in the databases to which access is granted will be protected according to the European Directive for the Protection of Personal Data with appropriate software and hardware measurements.

Confirmation of participation

As soon as the appropriate fees have been received, participants will receive a confirmation letter of the relevant bookings. For online payments, the confirmation letter will be automatically provided during online registration, as soon as the credit card charges have been completed and confirmed.

Certificate of Attendance

After the end of the congress, the certificate of attendance will be send by  e-mail to all registered participants attended the virtual Congress.