
Click here
to proceed with your registration online!

Participation is limited (maximum number: 16 delegates)
Priority will be given to ESPN members until
  April 30, 2022.
Participation package
 ESPN members Non-members of ESPN
Early bird fee
(Until April 15, 2022)
 € 1.000 € 1.150
Late fee
(From April 16, 2022 onward)
 € 1.200  € 1.350
 Auditor registration-Residents € 60
Auditor registration-Senior neurosurgeons  € 100
The Workshop participation package includes the following services:
  • Hotel accommodation in a double room, shared with another participant, for a total of 4 nights (check-in on July 2 and check-out on July 6, 2022).
  • Admittance to all scientific sessions and hands-on workshops
  • Workshop documentation, Certificate of Attendance and delegate material
  • Coffee and lunch as specified in the Workshop program
Auditor registration includes the following services:
  • Admittance to scientific sessions of July 2-3, 2022
  • Certificate of Attendance and delegate material
  • Coffee break on July 2-3, 2022
All fees are calculated in EUR (€). Participants from countries where currency restrictions prevent them from sending registration fees in advance are asked to inform the Organizing Secretariat, in order to avoid being charged late registration fees.

Terms of payment for registration fees
All payments are to be made in EUR (€) without charges for the beneficiary. Bank charges are to be settled by the payer.
Confirmation of services and payment invoices will be sent after receipt of the appropriate fees by e-mail to the address advised for communication. Late registration fees will apply for any payments received after the stated deadline. Outstanding payments are to be paid onsite.

Method of payment
  • By credit card
    Upon completion of your registration, the online system will redirect you to a confirmation of services and respective payments page. Kindly note that you will receive a confirmation letter upon the completed transaction.
  • By bank transfer
    Upon receipt of your registration form, you will receive a confirmation letter with bank account details and a deadline for payment of the respective fees. A copy of the bank transfer receipt is to be sent to the Workshop Organizing Secretariat  by e-mail at, for confirmation of the relevant bank transfer.

DisclaimerErasmus Conferences Tours and Travel SA does not store credit card information nor do we share customers’ details with any third parties. All personal data included in the databases to which access is granted will be protected according to the European Directive for the Protection of Personal Data with appropriate software and hardware measurements.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Registration to the ESPN 2022 International Workshop will be confirmed on a first come and pay - first registered basis. Participation is limited to 14 delegates. Priority will be given to ESPN members.
Confirmation of participation
As soon as the appropriate fees have been received, participants will receive a confirmation letter of the relevant bookings.

Cancellation Policy
Cancellation of participation is to be made in written to the Workshop Organizing Secretariat. The following cancellation policy will apply:
  • For cancellation requests received until March 28, 2022: 50% of the total amount will be refunded.
  • For cancellation requests received from March 29, 2022 onwards: no refund applies.
All refunds will be made within two months after the end of the Workshop. Bank charges will be deducted. An additional handling fee of 20 EUR per refund will apply.

Certificate of Attendance
All registered delegates that have attended at least 90% of the Scientific Program will receive a Certificate of Attendance.

Badge identification
Registration badges will be used during the Workshop. Participants will receive their badges upon check-in on arrivals day. For identification purposes and admission to session halls, participants are requested to wear their badges at all times. Admission to Workshop areas will not be allowed without badge identification.

Letter of Invitation
Delegates that require an official Invitation Letter in order to attend the Workshop may address the Organizing Secretariat, specifying the necessary details. This service is provided only to assist participants who need to obtain a visa or permission to attend the Workshop. It should not be considered as an official invitation covering fees or any other expenses.
Please note that registration to the Workshop is a prerequisite for delegates to receive an official letter of invitation from the Organizing Secretariat.

Please note that pictures and video recordings will be taken by course staff throughout the ESPN 2022 Workshop.
By registering for the course you agree to your image and personal information being passed to the ESPN Administrative Secretariat & Workshop Organizing Bureau and published on their website ( and and being used in materials published by the European Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery, either online or in hard copy, for publicity and promotional purposes.

For any inquiry regarding your participation, please contact the ESPN International Workshop Organizing Secretariat at