Session 01: Machine learning solutions to seismic problems: Joint Session ESC/SSA
Session 02: Open and FAIR seismology - Consequences, challenges and opportunities
Session 03: Challenges due to massive generation of seismic data. Large-N experiments, fiber optic cables, and how users, data centres and applications will cope with data in the near future
Session 04: The cycle of observational seismology from Waveform Data Collection to scientific products
Session 05: The structure of the central Mediterranean: insights from seismological and geophysical data
Session 06: Bringing seismological issues to the public: a way to foster seismic risk best practice
Session 07: Seismicity and Seismotectonics in Central and Eastern Europe
Session 08: Seismic arrival time determination: The reliability of established and innovative automatic picking techniques compared to manual picking
Session 09: Advancing the (Re)use and preservation of Analog Seismic Data
Session 10: Seismic anisotropy and shear-wave splitting: achievements and perspectives
Session 11: From school seismology to citizen science
Session 12: Seismological and structural studies in Polar Regions and the cryosphere
Session 13: Seismological and geophysical imaging of shallow geological structures at different scales: challenges and perspectives
Session 14: Imaging and modeling 3D fault complexities in FAULT2SHA
Session 15: Earthquake hazard assessment towards seismic risk mitigation in Urban Areas
Session 16: Advances in models, observations and verification towards operational earthquake forecasting
Session 17: Crowdsourcing and macroseismology: reliability, applications and developments
Session 18: Towards operational forecasting of earthquakes and early warning capacity for more resilient societies
Session 19: Physics of earthquakes and seismic sources
Session 20: New seismological workflows: from event detection to earthquake forecasting
Session 21: Physics of earthquake preparation process: from laboratory experiments to earthquake forecast
Session 22: The 2020 European seismic hazard and risk model: new developments and future directions for seismic hazard and risk assessment in Europe
Session 23: Swarm-like and earthquake sequences driven by local transients in tectonic and volcanic areas
Session 24: Physical and statistical models and pattern recognition techniques applied to foreshocks, aftershocks and multiplets at different scales, from laboratory experiments to real-scale observations
Session 25: Research on array seismology and earthquake mechanisms at seismic experimental sites
Session 26: Seismicity and geodynamics in Corinth Gulf and other Near Fault Observatories
Session 27: Networks and open data in seismology the example of HELPOS: Hellenic plate observing system
Session 28: Fast seismo-geodetic rupture inversion for early warning and rapid impact assessment
Session 29: GNSS/InSAR inputs for geodynamic modeling, tectonic strain and seismic hazard in the Mediterranean
Session 30: New challenges for urban engineering seismology
Session 31: When science meets industry: Advances in engineering seismology stemming from practice
Session 32: Induced seismicity: observations, modelling, monitoring, discrimination and risk management strategies
Session 33: Advances in single station and array methods for subsurface characterization onshore and offshore
Session 34: Earthquake Induced Landslides: from triggering to stabilization, methods and techniques of monitoring
Session 35: Tsunamis in Europe and worldwide: Observations, theory and numerical analyses for hazard and risk assessment and risk reduction
Session 36: Functionality of seismometer and accelerometer in ground-motion recording
Session 37: Historical earthquake data in seismology practice