Roles & Guidelines


Speakers & Presenters

Although all presentations will be pre-recorded, Speakers and Presenters should be virtually present during their oral presentation to answer questions after the end their presentation.
Invited & Oral Presentations
Invited and Oral presentations are organized in sessions scheduled in specific virtual streams indicated in the programme.
Time allotted for each presentation is:

Invited Presentations: 25 minutes and 5 minutes for questions and discussion (total time allotted 30 minutes)
Oral Presentations: 12 minutes and 3 minutes for questions and discussion (total time allotted 15 minutes)

ePoster Presentations
At the end of each day for 90 minutes there will be Live Poster Sessions, giving the opportunity for ePoster presenters to interact live with delegates.
During live Poster Sessions presenters are able to present to a live audience and share their screen to show a set of prepared slides, their display poster or other relevant handout documents.
Poster Sessions will use a queuing system in which the maximum number of delegates allowed in each ePoster presentation is 50 persons. In them, delegates will be able to directly address the presenters but only the presenter will have video capabilities.
Additionally, to the above, ePosters will be showcased for the viewing of all registered persons throughout the entire duration of the assembly in the ePoster Gallery.

Chairpersons & Conveners

Chairpersons and conveners will open & introduce the session mentioning the general title of the session, the names of the presenters as well as the title of presentations to follow. All information will be available and easily accessible on the virtual Conference platform.
They are also to explain to the attendees that a Live Q&A will take place at the end of each oral presentation and that they may send their questions using the available chat tool.
Finally, they will lead, coordinate and facilitate the discussion during the Live Q&A after each presentation, by selecting the questions, depending on the available time, and read them to the presenter who will be able to answer verbally.
As time allocated to each session is not flexible, chairpersons are kindly requested to conclude the session on time.