General Information


The virtual conference will operate a special virtual platform and will be similar to any in-person conference. Presentations are assembled in sessions according to a theme and they are assigned a virtual room.
As with in-person conferences, people select and access their preferred session; they only have to click on their preferred session to access the virtual room of their choice.




After the Assembly is over, all participants will receive the relative evaluation form, following whose completing they will receive their individual Certificates of Attendance.

Sessions Structure

Session Opening: Conveners/Chairpersons coordinate Live each session, by opening each session and introducing the Speakers/Presenters and presentations titles to follow. The list of presentations and speakers will be displayed on the virtual platform’s session information.
Session Presentations: All presentations will be delivered as pre-recorded videos to avoid bad internet connection or slow speed. However, Speakers/Presenters should be virtually present during their session to answer questions immediately after the end of their presentation.  
Live Q&A: As with in-person conferences, there will be a dedicated period of 3 minutes for Live Q&A after the end of each presentation. Attendees will be able to use the available Q&A Chat box to type/ask questions during and immediately after each oral presentation. The session’s Convener/Chairperson will select the questions, depending on the available time, and read them to the presenter who will be able to answer verbally.

On Demand View of the Conference

Unless otherwise indicated by the speakers/presenter, all the sessions will be fully recorded and made available for registered Attendees on demand, after the end of the conference for a period of 2 months. This will allow Attendees from the less favorable time zones to catch up with the content. In case of refusal, please notify us at Pre-recorded presentations, already sent to the Organizing Secretariat, will be managed by the Organizing Secretariat and you do not have to upload the file again.