ISOLS Young Surgeons Training Workshop on Limb Salvage Surgery

Saturday, September 14th, 2019
09:00-15:30          MC2 Hall
 Maximum participation: 60 persons
Workshop Fee: 100 Euro


Moderators: Ashish Gulia (India) - Vasileios Kontogeorgakos (Greece) – Lee M. Jeys (United Kingdom)

09:00-09:20   Ashish Gulia (India): Diagnosis, staging and biopsy in musculoskeletal oncology 
09:20-10:00 Carrie Inwards (United States) & Doris Wenger (United States): Radiologic-Pathologic Correlation in Musculoskeletal Oncology: Tips for Avoiding Diagnostic Pitfalls
10:00-10:20 Lee M. Jeys (United Kingdom): Bone and Soft Tissue Sarcomas: Principles of Limb Salvage
Peter Scheinemann (Germany): Custom made implants: How to get the best individualized implant 
10:35-10:45 Q & A
10:45-11:00 Break
Marko Bergovec (Austria): Proximal Humerus – Shoulder Girdle
11:15-11:30 Vasileios Kontogeorgakos (Greece): Distal Humerus – Elbow
11:30-11:45  Arne Streitbürger (Germany): Pelvis – Acetabulum 
11:45-12:00  Jendrik Hardes (Germany): Proximal Femur – Total Femur 
12:00-12:15 Martin Thaler (Austria): Distal Femur – Knee
12:15-12:30  Andrea Angelini (Italy): Proximal tibia
12:30-13:00   Lunch Break (Lunch box)
13:00-13:25 Τable 1: Proximal Humerus and Proximal Humerus Inverse Replacement
13:25-13:50 Τable 2: Distal Humerus and Proximal Ulna Replacement
13:50-14:15 Τable 3: Partial Pelvic Replacement with LUMiC®
14:15-14:40 Τable 4: Proximal Femur Replacement, Bipolar Head and attachment tube
14:40-15:05 Τable 5: Distal Femur Replacement and Total Femur Replacement
15:05-15:30  Τable 6: Proximal Tibia Replacement

Andrea Angelini (Italy) 
Marko Bergovec (Austria) 
Bian Brigman (United States) 
Dietmar Dammerer (Austria) 
Ashish Gulia (India) 
Jendrik Hardes (Germany)
Katsuhiro Hayashi (Japan) 
Lee M. Jeys (United Kingdom) 
Vasileios Kontogeorgakos (Greece) 
Theodoros Kormas (Greece) 
Andreas Mavrogenis (Greece) 
Parikh Mishil (India) 
Panayiotis J. Papagelopoulos (Greece) 
Ioannis Papanastasiou (Greece) 
Nikolaos Stavropoulos (Greece) 
Arne Streitburger (Germany) 
Martin Thaler (Austria) 
Annelies Van Beeck (Belgium)

Rotation Workshops in 6 groups of 12 to 15 participants each with 2 experienced instructors per table.
Workshops will be assisted by Product Sales Specialists.