// Welcome Address
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
It is a great honor and pleasure to invite you to the 24th Biennial Congress of the European Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery, which will be held in Rome-Italy, at the Angelicum Conference Centre, from May 4 to May 7, 2014.
The Scientific Committee is planning a very informative scientific programme, which will comprise keynote plenary lectures with their respective parallel streams, oral and poster presentation sessions, as well as additional scientific symposia. The main subjects to be addressed include epilepsy surgery, advances in Pediatric Oncology, craniovertebral junction and Chiari, as well as craniosynostosis and distraction techniques in craniofacial surgery.
As this meeting will be jointly held with the Indian Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery (INDSPN) and the Brazilian Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery (SBNPed), we anticipate that many lively and interesting discussions will take place, with distinguished specialists from different backgrounds addressing issues of multidisciplinary interest, such as hydrocephalus, endoscopy, spine, neuro-oncology, etc. Your active participation, through the submission of abstracts for oral or poster presentation, will greatly contribute to the scientific interaction and discourse.
Rome, the “eternal city”, is not only a city with a long and rich history, innumerable museums and archaeological sites, but also a modern city with a vibrant life that never ends. The ESPN Congress will thus be a very good opportunity to meet and share knowledge, experience and friendship in a beautiful location.
Rome, the “eternal city”, is not only a city with a long and rich history, innumerable museums and archaeological sites, but also a modern city with a vibrant life that never ends. The ESPN Congress will thus be a very good opportunity to meet and share knowledge, experience and friendship in a beautiful location.
Looking forward to welcoming you in Rome in May 2014!
Prof. Dr. Massimo Caldarelli
ESPN President (2012-2014)